2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
  £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
  Initial Budget 297,926 310,369 300,957 290,309
  Inflation and Other Contingencies 8,266
  Pay  714 714 2,641
  Other inflation (Non-staffing budgets) 3,356 3,311 3,165
  Committed Growth 
  Approved to date  3,691[1] 3,004 1,641 0
  Growth 2011-12 onwards- -assume can be met from existing contingencies in 11/12 0 4,500 3,500
  Approved in March 2009 and March 2010 -4,520 -180
  2010/11 savings target (Cabinet 7.7.2010)
  Reduction in Specific Grants  4,125
  One-off savings towards 2010/11 target -545 545
  Ongoing savings towards 2010/11 target -7,085
  Increase in budget contingency  3,505 -545
  Other Adjustments Required
  London Pensions Fund Authority Levy 353 235
  Capital Financing and Investment  2,365 777 -827 134
  Pensions Fund (Estimate pending Valuation) 2,500 800 800
  One off savings in previous years 419
  One off spending in 2008/09 -317
  Other Funding 
  Prioritisation of Area Based Grant -295 3,796
  Service Improvement Growth 
  You Decide -2,380
  Contribution to Investment Reserve 2,900 -2,900
  Annual savings target -18,753 -20,787 -17,992
  Budget Requirement      295,498   297,926   310,369   300,957   290,309   282,557    
  Formula Grant (25% real terms reduction over 4 years) -224,997 -228816 -232,204 -221,523   -211,337 -201,611  
  Collection Fund Surplus / Deficit -1,505 2000 -3,478 -2,011  
  68,996 71,110   74,687   77,423   78,972   80,946  
  Council Tax Base  79,705 80303 84,343 87,432 89,181 91,410
  Recommended Band D Council Tax - Tower Hamlets  £836.37 £865.64 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52 £885.52  
  Change in Council Tax (planning figure only) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%  
  Cumulative savings target (Three Year Budget)  -57,532
  NB Forecasts are incremental year on year, not cumulative
  Salaries     142,557    135,429       132,043       128,742

3491+tackling overcorwding 110 + Parking A/c 90